Dr. Lalatendu Behera
Vision and Mission of the Department and Institute
CSPC - 213: Data Structures and Algorithms
Harshita Singh
Rishi Muni Pandey
Class Timings and Venue
Monday: 3:30 PM - 4:25 PM
Tuesday: 3:30 PM - 4:25 PM
Thursday: 3:30 PM - 4:25 PM
Venue: LT - 302
Course Outcomes
CO | |
1 | Define basic static and dynamic data structures and relevant standard algorithms for them: stack, queue, dynamically linked lists, trees, graphs, heap, priority queue, hash tables, sorting algorithms, min-max algorithm. |
2 | Demonstrate advantages and disadvantages of specific algorithms and data structures. |
3 | Select basic data structures and algorithms for autonomous realization of simple programs or program parts. |
4 | Determine and demonstrate bugs in program, recognize needed basic operations with data structures. |
5 | Formulate new solutions for programing problems or improve existing code using learned algorithms and data structures. |
6 | Evaluate algorithms and data structures in terms of time and memory complexity of basic operations. |
CO - PO Mapping
CO | PO1 | PO2 | PO3 | PO4 | PO5 | PO6 | PO7 | PO8 | PO9 | PO10 | PO11 | PO12 |
CO1 | x | | x | | x | x | x | | | | | |
CO2 | x | x | | | x | | x | | | | | |
CO3 | | | | | x | x | | | x | | x | |
CO4 | | x | x | x | | | | x | | | | |
CO5 | | | | | x | x | | | | | | x |
CO6 | x | x | x | | x | | | | | | | |
Recommended Books
Alfred V. Aho, John E. Hopcroft, Jeffrey D. Ullman, “Data Structures and Algorithms”, Addision-Wesley Series, 1982.
Horowitz and Sahani, “Fundamentals of Data Structures”, Galgotia Publication Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, 2006.
A. M. Tenenbaum, “Data Structures using C and C++”, Prentice-Hall of India Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi
Lecture No. | Date | Topic | Source |
1 | 05/01 | Introduction to the course | |
2 | 09/01 | Introduction to Algorithms | |
3 | 10/01 | Pseudocode | |
4 | 12/01 | Computation of Time Complexity | |
5 | 16/01 | Asymptotic Notation | |
6 | 17/01 | Asymptotic Notation and Introduction to Data Structures | |
7 | 23/01 | Abstract Data Type | |
8 | 24/01 | Address Calculation of Array Indices and Array Operations | |
9 | 30/01 | Sparse Matrix and Strings | |
10 | 31/01 | Structures and Introduction to Linked List | |
11 | 06/02 | Insertion in a Linked List | |
12 | 07/02 | Deletion in a Linked List | |
13 | 09/02 | Insertion in a Doubly Linked List | |
14 | 20/02 | Deletion in a Doubly Linked List, Insertion and Deletion in singly and doubly circular Linked lists, and Representation of Polynomial using Linked List | |
15 | 21/02 | Stack | |
16 | 23/02 | Evaluation of Postfix expressions and Conversion of an Infix expression to Postfix | |
17 | 28/02 | Minor - 1 Q/A Discussions | |
18 | 14/03 | Recursion and Tower of Hanoi | |
19 | 16/03 | Solving Recurrence Relation | |
20 | 20/03 | Queue | |
21 | 21/03 | Circular Queue. Dequeue and Priority Queue | |
22 | 23/03 | Trees | |
23 | 27/03 | Binary Trees and Preorder Traversal | |
24 | 28/03 | Inorder, PostOrder Traversal and Construction of a Binary tree from any two given traversal orders | |
25 | 10/04 | No Class | |
26 | 11/04 | Binary Search Tree and Properties of a Binary tree | |
27 | 13/04 | Sorting | |
28 | 17/04 | Minor - 2 Q/A Discussions | |
29 | 18/04 | Quick Sort, Heap Sort, Linear Search, Binary Search and Introduction to Hashing | |
30 | 20/04 | Hashing | |
31 | 24/04 | Graphs | |
32 | 25/04 | BFS and DFS | |
33 | 27/04 | Minimum Spanning Trees | |